There are certain people, without whom, no book could ever be made. This page is meant to spotlight and thank as many of those incredible people as possible.
Though I will never truly be able to properly thank everyone who has helped (and continues to help) me along this journey, hopefully this is a good start.
The Winds of Change
“This book would not have been possible without the unwavering love and support of my parents. They have given me everything and asked for nothing. I’ve learned more from them than I can put into words.”
Cover Design: Jeff Brown
Editor: Lesley Brown
Interior Design (deluxe edition): Adrian M. Gibson
Audiobook: Scott Fleming
Early/Alpha/Beta Readers: Tyler H., Oliver P., Stefan E., Charlie P., Lara F.
Special Thanks
Dad, Alannah, Ted H, Austin G, Howard R, my writing group - you had the courage to read the worst possible drafts and the willingness to stay with me on the journey anyway.
The Break-ins - you’ve made the challenging journey as an indie author not only possible, but fun
Boe K, Joey L, Bryan W, Manda S
Paschia’s Hidden Journals
“This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, and to my daughter on the way. The former has the patience to allow me to pursue my passion, and the latter is the reason I pursue it. To my daughter—I hope to share these stories with you one day, and to build worlds for you as wonderful as the life I hope you have.”
Cover Design: Stefanie Saw
Interior Design: Adrian M. Gibson
Audiobook: Scott Fleming
Early/Alpha/Beta Readers: Joey L (The Dragon Reread), Jonathan P, Calum L, Amina K, Matt P (GeauxReadBooks), Nicholas F, Kayla Y (Kay’s Hidden Shelf), Isaac H, Harold P, Nick B, Manda S (Fulltime Bookish), Zach W
Special Thanks
My wife - who lets me spend time writing instead of with her
The students of Apex Academy: Austin M, Mimi M, Ethan W, Jennifer L, Irene K, Bernice X, James W, Jimmy C, Ethan Q, Matthew